at Buena Vista, Gypsy Lane, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 0BZ, UK
I will be presenting “Providing evidence to support reflexology provision in mainstream healthcare” in person at the International Council of Reflexologists Conference Sept 26/27 in Athens Greece. To read presentation abstract click here. To read my published article RCNi Cancer Nursing Practice click here.
Welcome to the website of award winning Complementary Practitioner, Educator, Researcher, Author and International Presenter.
Abbigail Langstone-Wring BSc
C&G Assessor. VRT & RLD Practitioner.
Emotional Freedom Technique EFT.
Cert Acupuncture for Pain Beijing China.
Fortuneswell Complementary Practitioner/Clinical Reflexologist NHS DCHFT (Hon) 2014-2022
I am a second generation Complementary Practitioner who has been fortunate to have had a highly respected and talented Naturopath for a Father. Dad specialized in Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Clinical Ecology (Bio-Energetic Medicine), Homoeopathy and Herbalism and was one of the original Vega testers. His holistic approach to healthcare and symptom management was my inspiration and the catalyst for my interest in all aspects of Complementary Medicine.
I specialise in Clinical Reflexology, Nutritional Therapy including Homoeopathic Prescribing and Counselling. I have attended and presented at many International and National conferences. To engage with the wider public on all aspects of complementary healthcare. I have over many years produced a large number of published articles. I have contributed to a number of national and international professional journals from 1994. From 2010 I have been a monthly contributor to local magazines under the title “Holistic Health” and “Feeling Better“. In 2013 I Self-published “Holistic Health Tips” a self-help book compiled of case studies illustrating how complementary therapies may help in a wide range of condition management from Acne- Warts. From 2015 regular contributor to the On-Line Frost Magazine under “A Complementary Practice”
Why Now?
I was recently asked by an interviewer “why after over 25 years in practice do you now feel the need for a website?”. My answer was simple. “In the past I have never felt the need for a website, however the work that I have been engaged in over the past 4 years at NHS Dorset County Hospital Foundation Trust and the subsequent development of a method of Professional Clinical Reflexology to support cancer patients from Diagnosis through Treatment and Beyond. I feel deserves a wider platform.” For more info see training courses, research and published articles.