I am pleased to announce that 2024 marks 30yrs as a professional reflexologist in Weymouth Dorset. The start of a new year provides the perfect opportunity to not only make resolutions for positive changes in the coming year but also to reflect on the past. Looking back can be therapeutic, a chance for letting go of the not so good memories and experiences and remembering fondly the good times. Frequently the good out-weigh the bad and this realisation helps us to move forward with a positive outlook. Throughout my many years in practice I have witnessed complementary therapy move from being referred to as “quackery” to a position of acceptance within areas of mainstream medicine. This is mostly down to patient power, a growth in demand due to the effectiveness of the therapy treatment and word of mouth recommendations. Supported by therapists taking up the challenges of research and the research being published in quality journals.
Looking back, my professional career began in my 20’s studying Contemporary Dance (Laban). Obtaining City and Guilds teaching qualifications I became a freelance choreographer and tutor working in education and the youth service. Using dance as a communication tool creating opportunities for children with difficulties to express themselves through movement and young adults grow in skills and confidence. In my 30’s I qualified in Homoeopathic Medicine (1990) this was the start of my Complementary Medicine career journey. I continued to study gaining qualifications and experience through my 30’s, 40’s and in my 50’s achieved an Interprofessional Health and Social Studies BSc degree. Over the years I have grown my practice by introducing a variety of evidenced therapies, travelling the world studying native medicine, attending conferences as a delegate and presenter, and writing a huge number of articles to educate and inform colleagues and the public. Mostly about how complementary therapies offer patients help with symptom management but especially reflexology via case studies and research.
In my 60’s I was approached and took up the challenge of creating a Clinical Reflexology service within a Dorset NHS hospital cancer service. The success of this project inspired me to create Professional Clinical Reflexology PCR Training The Langstone-Wring Method™. Advanced accredited evidenced CPD training for qualified reflexologists that have ambitions to work in the NHS. Entering my 70’s my thirst for knowledge and new challenges is still with me. The re-publishing of “ Patients’ experiences of clinical foot reflexology in a hospital cancer service” in the Royal College of Nursing Cancer Nursing Journal Jan 2024 as a featured contributor will I hope stimulate interest and future research opportunities. Whilst I feel humbled to have received awards for my work I firmly believe that with maturity comes the responsibility to pass on valuable knowledge, skills and experience. You are never too old to learn something new, get involved and help others. Volunteering has always been important to me and as a past elected Pubic Governor of DCFT, Hospice volunteer therapist , elected board member of the International Council of Reflexologists and fundraiser for local cancer charities. My thoughts for the future 2024 and beyond focus on assuring the voice of the older patient is heard. I have no problem speaking up for those whose voice may not be as strong as mine. Especially as issues over access and quality of health care provision are major identified concerns for the older population. As a member of my GP Patient Participation Group PPG and Healthwatch volunteer and magazine contributor I feel that far from retiring or slowing down, continuing to see my patients and run training courses will keep me busy for the foreseeable future. I didn’t intend this to read as a CV merely to illustrate how putting disappointment and sadness firmly in the past and focussing on recollecting good times can be beneficial to wellbeing. Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy 2024. Would the retired physiotherapist that rang me asking for help concerning Nov PLACE article and didn’t leave a phone number on Sat 9th Dec get back in touch via email.