Holistic help with Tendinitis and Bursitis

Tendinitis is described as acute or chronic pain localised to a tendon that attaches muscle to bone with a dull or dragging sensation that limits range of movement. Affecting the achilles at the back of the ankle, biceps in front of the shoulder, pollicis brevis and longus of the thumb, upper patella of the knee, posterior tibial found on the inner side of the foot and the rotator cuff of the shoulder. Bursitis is described as severe pain in a joint that is increased with movement limiting range of movement. Infection or arthritic conditions may cause the bursa, a sac like membrane which contains fluid to lubricate the joint to become inflamed.  Affecting shoulder, elbow, hip and lower knee. Both conditions are caused by trauma or strain and may result in inflammation. Calcium salts will deposit along tendon fibres and bursa can develop calcified deposits that become a chronic problem. Past standard treatment for muscle, joint, tendon or bursa damage caused by acute and chronic injuries has been based on the RICE protocol. RICE = Rest and protect the injured or sore area. Ice or a cold pack used as soon as possible. Compression, or wrapping the injured or sore area with an elastic bandage. Elevation (propping up) the injured or sore area. RICE is designed to reduce the inflammation that occurs after an acute injury, which can be great depending on how much swelling there is. The problem is, blood flow (inflammation is an increase in blood flow as a reaction to an injury) is how the body heals. So why are we trying to prevent it? Research has shown that increased blood flow enhances healing. The MEAT protocol = Movement, Exercise, Analgesics and Treatment is more frequently recommended and centres around active care and implementing movement as soon as possible. How might a holistic approach assist healing.  Homoeopathic remedies Arnica, Rhus Tox or Calendula (1) cream used directly to the area (provided there is no broken skin). Supplement the diet with Vitamin C to reduce inflammation and maintain collagen for formation of tendon and bursal tissue. Vitamin A necessary for collagen synthesis and wound healing in the form of Beta Carotene a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Vitamin E and Selenium work together to control inflammatory processes and Zinc helps with inflammation reducing wound healing time (2). Taking a bath in Epsom Salts has proved useful in reducing inflammation discomfort and is recommended as a post Clinical Reflexology treatment. The action of Clinical Reflexology is best described by the medically accepted existence of Dermatomes. An area of skin that is mainly supplied by afferent nerve fibres from the dorsal root of any given spinal nerve. When ventral and dorsal roots merge, the combined nerve is called the spinal nerve. The spinal nerve branches into a network of nerves that innervate its dermatome (for sensations) and myotome (for motor controls). Illustrated bydividingthe body in mapped patterns like the foot maps of Zone Therapy and Reflexology. Afferent (sensory) neurons carry signals to the brain and spinal cord as sensory data. Efferent (motor) neurons carry neural impulses away from the central nervous system and toward muscles to cause movement.  Using Clinical Reflexology it is possible to send nerve messages to relax a muscle spasm (from trauma) ligaments and tendons then soften to enable increased joint mobility, circulation and lymph movement. Reducing inflammation, swelling and pain and increasing the ability for gentle exercise such as stretching to warm muscles before walking, swimming, Yoga or Tai Chi. To eliminate foods from the diet that may increase inflammation begin with stimulants such as Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Chocolate, Alcohol, MSG/E621 and Chemical Food Colourings or Azo dyes. Add Turmeric to the diet as it’s antihistamine activity is thought to reduce inflammation. To gain a deeper understanding visit my website Treatments =Nutritional Therapy. Finally, engage with meditation or mindfulness to ensure a restful and restorative sleep. If you think a Holistic Approach may help with your pain or mobility issues read the articles on my website for more information or get in touch.  References  1. Dr A Lockie 2000 Encyclopaedia of Homeopathy  (Arnica. Calendula. Rhus Tox). Dorling Kindersley Ltd.