Abbigail Langstone- Wring. BSc FETC MAR FHT MCThA
PCR Professional Clinical Reflexology-The Langstone-Wring Method TM. Is an advanced form of Reflexology developed over many years of study and practice. It is the culmination of principles and techniques derived from many sources including the trigger points and meridians of Chinese Acupuncture. Deep tissue massage and manipulations of Osteopathic origin. Specific Therapeutic and Swedish Massage techniques. Advanced researched neurological methodologies from international reflexology researchers such as Dr Manzanares and including Nerve Reflexology developed by Nico Pauly.
Reflexology is the application of pressure to “mapped” areas found on the ears (similar to acupuncture points of auricular therapy) hands and feet thought to represent the organs and systems of the body. Past theories of how reflexology works have been somewhat vague and speculative. However, recent research shows that reflexology has more to offer than a therapeutic effect and that it can affect the functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems.
Basic anatomy and physiology tells us that the nervous system consists of the central and peripheral nervous systems. It is a communication and instruction network composed of the brain, spinal cord and nerves.Information and instructions are sent between the body and brain along the spinal cord via motor and sensory nerves. Registering pain, sensation and danger so that the body can respond and remain in homeostasis a stable physiological state. The spinal cord is encased within the vertebral column (irregular interlocking bones) that are separated by intervertebral discs. These discs or pads of fibrocartilage work as shock-absorbers. The skeletal system consists of the bones and joints of the axial (skull, vertebral column, ribs, sternum) and the appendicular (shoulder girdle, upper limbs, pelvic girdle and lower limbs) skeleton.
Most recognised causes of chronic conditions of the skeletal system are inflammation and trauma. Other causes include congenital, infection and auto-immune diseases. One symptom common to all is pain. Once triggered the pain cycle is difficult to break.
This diagram illustrates the sequence of events following trauma to the spine.
To offer an effective treatment and help manage pain medical advice previously included medication and bed rest. Research has shown that physical therapy and movement can be an effective route to rehabilitation.
Holistically, relaxing will help reduce pain levels. Homoeopathic and herbal remedies or chamomile tea followed by some meditation mindfulness may prove helpful. I find that by identifying ( on the foot or hand ) the trigger point that has a neural connection to the trauma site and applying a steady pressure can alter the level of pain experienced by the patient. Once pain has been reduced, specialist massage techniques can by employed to release muscle spasm and swellings. Thereby increasing mobility which in turn helps reduce inflammation. If you have chronic back or joint problems and have not tried a physical therapy give Clinical Reflexology a chance you might be pleasantly surprised by the results ! ©AW/2018 More help and advice on chronic skeletal conditions such as arthritis in my “Holistic Health Tips” book £9.00 incl p&p available from Buena Vista Gypsy Lane Weymouth DT4 0BZ