
For bookings and where to find me please visit the Appointments page.

Clinical Reflexology £30.00. Nutritional Therapy including Homoeopathic Prescribing £45.00. Counselling £45.00

Please note. Nutritional Therapy patients I am happy to offer Vega/Homoeopathic follow-up appointments for existing patients and to
accept referrals. New patients are requested to complete a 7 day Food Diary prior to consultation and bring it to the appointment.


Clinical Reflexology CR is defined firstly by qualification including post graduate advanced specialist training and above all experience. Secondly by the environment in which the reflexology is delivered. Clinical settings include NHS Primary Care (GP practice or clinic) Secondary Care (NHS hospital) or Hospice (private or NHS). Clinical Reflexologists working in such settings undergo specified NHS mandatory training to meet exacting standards in all aspects of patient care. Governed by the same regulations as NHS clinical nursing staff Clinical Reflexologists continually update their knowledge and skills to ensure best practice. When seeking help from a Clinical Reflexologist you can be assured of the highest quality of professional attention.

Reflexology is a complementary therapy rated as one of the top six therapies in the UK and is shown to be suitable for all ages groups, during pregnancy and palliative care. Deeply relaxing in effect, reflexology calms the anxious or stressed patient reducing the impact of physiological and psychological symptoms of stress or trauma.

AoR Foot Map

Reflexology is described as the application of firm but gentle pressure to mapped areas on the hands, feet and ears that link through neural pathways to organs and systems of the body.

How reflexology works has long been debated.  My understanding is based on scientific studies that suggest the action of reflexology is via medically recognised Dermatomes (an area of skin supplied by sensory neurons  that arise from a single dorsal root of the spinal nerve) and the Pain Gate Theory or Neuromatrix Theory of Pain which suggests, afferent impulses given by touching  and applying pressure being transmitted faster than pain in the dorsal root of the medulla spinalis block the transmission of pain. Historically reflexology has shared a relationship with Zone Therapy (Dr William Fitzgerald) Meridians and Chi energy of Chinese Acupuncture/Acupressure and Chakras or energy centres of Indian Ayurvedic origin. To-day reflexology is practiced globally, continually developing with research playing a vital role in providing evidence of safety and efficacy. Increasing the recognition of its value not only as a holistic therapy but of its potential as a valuable resource to support mainstream UK NHS healthcare provision of the future.

Clinical Reflexology Treatment Procedure

Initial session will include taking a full case history. All confidential patient information will be written and stored according to data governance guidance. At each session observational assessment of posture and gait will be noted. Patients will be required to remove footwear and invited to alight the therapy couch. Ensuring the patient is comfortable I will conduct a visual examination of the feet, noting any irregularities of form, texture or condition of the skin and nails. Wet wipes (non-perfumed) are used to freshen the feet and Grape Seed Oil is then applied to both feet to commence the treatment. Starting with the right foot, then left, a routine of pressure massage movements will cover the whole foot (dorsal = top and plantar = bottom). Massage to the lower leg and the use of trigger points (specific identified areas that are sensitive to pressure) may be introduced. During the treatment it is not unusual for patients to wish to discuss “worries” this in no way detracts from the relaxing effect of the treatment. Sometimes an emotional response to treatment may occur, this is not to be viewed as a negative experience as often there may well be an emotional link to a physical symptom. Concluding the session with a moment of stillness, this deeply relaxing therapeutic experience will benefit both mind and body. After care advice will be given and patients are asked to observe any changes over the next few days.

Patients are always welcome to contact me with any queries or for advice following treatment.

During the consultation confidential information of a personal nature may be disclosed this will be written and stored in line with data governance guidance. As a member of several governing bodies I am bound by professional codes of conduct/practice. I do not diagnose clinical or medical conditions. None of the above described treatment is designed or intended to take the place of a GP consultation.

In 2014 Sponsored entirely by the Fortuneswell Cancer Trust FCT I began a Clinical Reflexology CR Service Project at Dorset County Hospital Foundation Trust DCHFT. The project aim was to enhance the cancer patient experience by offering patients on the Fortuneswell Ward and Chemotherapy Unit access to clinical reflexology free of charge. The successful growth of the service is reflected by increasing high demand via patient requests and clinical referrals. Fuelled by positive patient and hospital staff. To ensure service sustainability I produced the Fortuneswell Clinical Reflexology Governance Policy and Procedure document 1841 and conducted a preliminary audit to acquire patient data evidence of safety and efficacy.  Annual staff engagement events and annual patient snap-shot surveys inform the Annual FCT Report to support funding. 2019 marked 5yrs of the CR Service with a total of over 5,000 treatments being delivered. My 2019 award winning Audit 4923 provided further evidence of the therapeutic and beneficial effect of 2,000 CR treatments. Identifying the top three concerns of patients undergoing treatment for cancer as Stress (45.62%) Pain (22.81%) and Swelling (10.59%) Patient experience comments supplied evidence that 1612 felt relaxed after CR. Patients also reported they felt their symptoms of Pain, Lymphoedema and Peripheral Neuropathy improved following CR. To further support sustainability and transferability a modified version of CR with advanced techniques suitable for use in clinical settings became the foundation of the PCR  Method ®training course for qualified reflexologists. The CR Service has 3 PCR Method® therapists with NHS DCHFT Hon contracts operating a Mon-Fri morning service at three DCHFT hospital sites. Ward, Chemotherapy Unit and Radiotherapy Unit at the Robert White Centre.

Professional Clinical Reflexology PCR – The Langstone-Wring Method®

Supplying a CR service in a NHS hospital clinical setting identified practical issues of delivery. In response a modified method of CR was developed. To ensure an equitable service model across 3 sites advanced training of the evidenced PCR Method® of clinical reflexology was produced. Accredited by three industry leading professional bodies I deliver annual CPD training courses for qualified reflexologists. Developed in a UK NHS Hospital Cancer Service 5,000 oncology/reflexology patient data evidenced the Method® as Beneficial, Effective, Safe, Therapeutic = BEST. Course aim is to facilitate BEST practice by equipping reflexologists with comprehensive knowledge and new skills to enable confident provision of treatment for cancer patients from Diagnosis through Treatment and Beyond. More info on PCR training dates see “Training Courses

Nutritional Therapy including Homoeopathic Prescribing £45.00.

NHS Eatwell Plate

It has been brought to my attention that as a Complementary Practitioner I am not permitted to advertise Bioresonance or Vega Testing to determine medical conditions such as Allergy or Food Intolerance. This official ruling is due to there being a lack of conclusive evidence from published double-blind studies that electrodermal or any method other
than restriction diets can effectively identify food intolerances. To ensure that I don’t unwittingly break advertising codes whilst continuing to offer Nutritional advice regarding restriction diets I have made changes to my website and all advertising.

Please note. Nutritional Therapy patients I am happy to offer Vega/Homoeopathic follow-up appointments for existing patients and to accept referrals. New patients are requested to complete a 7 day Food Diary prior to consultation and bring it to the appointment.

During this hour long appointment we will explore via various methods ways in which changes to your diet may help support your physical and psychological health and wellbeing. Based on holistic principles advice is aimed at encouraging positive behavioural change. Practical advice on how to improve your diet will be supported by an individually designed healthy eating plan. Each individual plan will be informed from discussing:

  • How to avoid dehydration and malnutrition.
  • How to use a food diary effectively.
  • How to conduct a restriction diet safely over 4 weeks to identify food intolerances.         
  • How to produce a nutritionally balanced meal. Discussing the role of proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates and sugars, fats and fibre and what constitutes a healthy Vegetarian or Vegan meal.            
  • How to supplement the diet using vitamins, minerals, pro-biotics and digestive enzymes. Identifying what may or may not be helpful.
  • How to interpret food labels. Identify the difference between chemical and natural food additives. Understanding levels of Salt, Sugar and Fats in processed foods.

You will leave the consultation with; an individually designed eating plan with instructions on how to proceed safely with a 4 week restriction diet, a list of suggested foods to avoid and information of replacement foods, instructions on a phased re-introduction after 4 weeks of the avoided foods, and suggested diet supplementation if needed.

During the 4 week restricted food period you can access me via my website or email direct with any requests for help, guidance or queries.

Methods used during the consultation may include Vega Test. Iridology. Homoeopathy. Kinesiology.

During the consultation confidential information of a personal nature may be disclosed this will written and stored in line with data governance guidance. As a member of several governing bodies I am bound by professional codes of conduct/practice. I do not diagnose clinical or medical conditions. None of the above described treatment is designed or intended to take the place of a GP consultation.

Counselling: £45.00

During this hour long appointment we will explore various holistic methods that may help you to build emotional resilience to support your health and wellbeing.

  • You will be provided with time to confidentially “Talk through your worries” in a safe environment.
  • We may discuss loss and sadness and organisations that offer support through the grieving process.
  • We may discuss how to recognise if you are stressed and/or anxious. Exploring individual triggers and symptoms of stress and/or anxiety and the “Fight or Flight” response.
  • We may explore coping mechanisms and strategies from the following methods; Counselling, Mindfulness, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), “Tapping”, Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP, Grounding & Breathing techniques.
  • We may look at how to improve quality of sleep. Discussing the role of the night-time ritual. Use of subtle dietary changes and “over the counter” natural remedies that are available in pharmacies and health food shops.
  • We may discuss how appropriate physical exercise may enhance your energy and outlook. The benefits of social interaction and the release of the “Happy Hormone”.

Methods used during the consultation may include Vega Test, Iridology, Homoeopathy, Kinesiology, Counselling, NLP, EFT, Mindfulness, Clinical Reflexology and Bach Flower Remedies.

During the consultation confidential information of a personal nature may be disclosed this will be written and stored in line with data governance guidance. As a member of several governing bodies I am bound by professional codes of conduct/practice. I do not diagnose clinical or medical conditions. None of the above described treatment is designed or intended to take the place of a GP consultation.